Simeone appeared at a press conference before the game against Mallorca. Questioned up to three times by Griezmann and his entry to play only the discount was clear, like the other day. “Speechless”.

–In what has the team changed the most, in football, physical, team …?: “We had finished a great match with Liverpool with a result that we knew was going to give us an important boost for the LaLiga process. Sometimes we get ahead when judging. LaLiga is the award for consistency. Not yet rated, not finished yet. But if we understood that this important result was going to boost us. Then came the break, the players trained well at home, we returned as we wanted to arrive in the first three games and, consequently, we behaved. The campus is very good, with good relationships between them as a group. We have to keep improving, there are five difficult days and we do not have to deviate from the objective that is the game of Mallorca.
–Lack of injuries is helping the team: “It is clear that the greater the continuity of the players we may have, the more internal competition we have. With the five changes we will have more variations within the matches, although, as the competition progresses and the forms of the players improve, many teams will stop making five changes ”.
–Could they have fought for LaLiga with the current form status? Are you wondering?: “The same thing that Villarreal should ask, which is the best team now, more than Madrid or us, for results. You cannot go backwards or forwards, the year is very long, we are in a year of transition, we said it five months ago and many were surprised by the word, but it is so, without neglecting to always seek the club's goal . A lot of young footballer came, new ones who are adapting brilliantly to what the club and team need. Hopefully keep it and finish as high as possible in the championship. “
–Key to having all the players so physically good. “The great responsibility they have with the group. Footballers are the most important of all this. We only lead the way and they are the ones who lead the exact place to the club and the goals of the teams. ”
–Griezmann, image of him biting his lips: “Speechless”.
–As a driver of the Atlético truck, have you ever had to apologize to a player for removing him alone in the final minutes?: “I don't drive a truck, I drive a team of footballers who work for a major club like Atleti. In our team, three minutes are decisive, we lost a Champions League final for three minutes and for me they are very important ”.
–Griezmann, were you wrong to leave?: “I don't want to be disrespectful to the answer. At the moment we are playing a lot in this season finale and that point is not important for us today ”.
–Caio Henrique, your request?: “The club always works in consequence of the needs that we have and always looking at the options and opportunities that we have to continue rounding the roster. We know him, we were one of those who put him on the left side when he was on the B and went up with us: we put him on the side. We will see when it returns in what condition it is. It has been three months since Brazil has been played and we do not know in what specific situations we will find ourselves with ”
–Luka Romero: “It would be hasty to give an opinion for 20, 30 minutes, 90 that he may have played. You have to leave the people who have a footballer with a good future ahead of them to develop it in the way that the coaches see it and, if they have put him in First, it is because his coaches have seen conditions. Today, just with the minutes he has played, I think it's rash to give an opinion. ”
–Griezmann. He didn't speak, but his lip-biting gesture was clear. Do you summarize it in one word?: “In two: without words”.