Simeone appeared this afternoon before the media, telematically, to talk about the game tomorrow (18:30) against Cádiz in the League, with the wound still open for Milan. The Argentine coach, however, only looks ahead, match by match, LaLiga, where the situation is opposite to that of the Champions League. About Milan, he spoke about the dressing room (“it’s fine”) and tied what happened to specific “mistakes” and not to an attitude problem.

-Only two wins in eight games. Is it your most difficult moment?: “The only thing that concerns me now is to improve the team and try to always have a positive inertia in LaLiga, which is what comes to us now, and I do not get out of that.”
-Critics after defeat against Milan: “We are in a place where criticism will always be. Beyond that, as always, I tell you that I am not exalted even before an important moment of the team, the beautiful words, as when there is a criticism of a situation. I am quite balanced in that thought and I try to go looking for what makes me feel identified with what I see ”.
-What does this team lack to compete at the level at which it competed last season?: “The first lap of the season was extraordinary and this is being more irregular. We cannot be infinitely comparing. The season passes was that and this is this. Today in LaLiga the situation is exciting, to my liking, and the preparation of the games to come will give us where we will be ”.
-Locker room after defeat against Milan, united, touched, upset?: “They are fine”.
– Was it an attitude problem?: “No attitude. I understand, I perceive, that the attitude is to win, as always. But then there are the successes and the errors, the things that we have to correct inwardly ”.
-Keys match tomorrow: “Cádiz is a complex team that has a very hard way of working. He feels very identified with what they do and that makes them dangerous. They manage to have concentration throughout the game. With very fast players at the top and that will give him the chance to play as they feel more comfortable and as they felt identified all last season. It’s hard, difficult, work well if you don’t win the second ball. “