Silvia Bronchalo, convinced that her son Daniel Sancho did not kill Edwin Arrieta

Once the ten days of isolation in which he could not receive visits -with the exception of his lawyer- due to anti-Covid protocol, ended, Daniel Sancho has finally been able to see someone from his family. His mother, Silvia Bronchalo, has not hesitated to travel to Thailand to support her son in this very difficult situation in which he is facing the death penalty for the alleged murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta and this Thursday he was going to the prison of Koh Samui to meet the chef again.

Rodolfo Sancho’s ex-partner arrived minutes before 9:00 (Thai time) at the prison in a taxi, accompanied by staff from the Spanish embassy in the Asian country. Head down, very serious and hiding her face under her dark hair and large sunglasses, the actress entered the prison directly, without going through the room where relatives wait to visit the prisoners.

As it has come out, the meeting between Daniel and his mother has taken place through glass, so they have been able to see each other and talk through a phone, but not touch each other. A visit that lasted about an hour and a half -for being the first, although from now on it will be 20 minutes- and after which Silvia left the jail devastated, in shock and without making any statements.

The journalists who traveled to Thailand to report on the case made the decision not to ask the mother of the only person accused of the heinous crime any questions, leaving in her hands the determination to speak before the cameras after her meeting with Daniel. However, the actress has given the silent answer, ignoring the press and leaving the prison at full speed.

Nothing is known about the conversation between mother and son, but the person from the Spanish embassy who has been accompanying Silvia at all times since she arrived in the country, Vicente, has told the program ‘En boca de todos’ something most revealing. . After acknowledging that the reunion has been “very hard” for both of them, and revealing that Rodolfo Sancho’s ex is “destroyed” and “in shock”, he has assured that Bronchalo “does not believe that his son has committed the murder”.

Information about which the cameras stationed at the gates of the Koh Samui prison are expected to ask Silvia, who, as has been confirmed, will be able to visit Daniel daily -20-minute meetings- and give him all the money he wants. to improve the conditions of her son in prison, where after completing the isolation period he continues in the Nursing module to guarantee his safety and physical integrity.