“She threatens to take her own life if I’m not with her”

Tearful, head down and with hardly any strength to speak. It is the portrait of a Sofia Suescun very different from what we were used to. The queen of reality shows, always sharp and smiling, has shown herself completely immersed in From Friday when telling the family drama that he has been through since his Love Galdeano announced that her daughter had thrown her out of the house. A fact that has exposed years of insults and pressure from the former bus driver: “She has always wanted me to be the best at everything and if I wasn’t the best, I was a failure.”

Sofia already revealed in the previous interview that the tension between them has existed for years: “Since I was a child. He considers me his property and has treated me as if I were a doll. His unhealthy jealousy towards me has ruined my friendships, relationships and life, many times. It took away my will to live.” Already sitting on the set of Bea Archidona and Santi Acosta, she has revealed that it was last August 4 when everything changed: “I will remember it as the worst day of my life. I return from isolation after Survivors and I go back to my routine, exercise, videos… I was at my gym and she comes in and won’t stop bothering me. First she hits me about the contest, she tells me that I’ve done really badly, that I shouldn’t have come back to television… With a very contemptuous tone. It wasn’t different from what I did other times but suddenly I looked in the mirror and said: ‘It’s over, I can’t take it anymore’. My brain clicked,” Sofia said.

“I started to cry and had an anxiety attack. I called Kiko and she started insulting him. The tension is increasing because she doesn’t stop insulting us and I’m leaving home because I’m afraid something bad will happen.” Suescun took refuge in her brother’s house and asked him to intervene and tell her mother to leave the house and give her a few days’ respite. “He got scared when he saw me arrive, because of the state I was in. My mother calls him and demands that I come back. Since she doesn’t listen to me, we trick her, we tell her that she has to leave my house because I’m going to break up with Kiko, because for her, he’s the enemy. The next day, she takes her things and leaves.”

Sofía returned home and blocked her mother on her mobile phone. Angry, Maite told everything on social media: “I couldn’t believe it and I knew what was coming. I have been forced to explain what is happening, many lies have been told and I want to be heard. The only thing I want and ask for is freedom, to be free, not to live with that pressure. She wants a doll, I have to give my opinion and think as she says, always, if not, I am a bad daughter. And I have to be with her always, because if not, she threatens to take her own life,” she confessed. “I have experienced situations of panic, she doesn’t care about anything, my feelings, my opinions… Her goal is to hurt and she has succeeded.” Maite returned home and tried to sneak in: “She arrived in such a nervous state that I don’t know what she thought she was going to achieve, making very serious threats. She tried to jump the fence, to enter the house, once again disregarding my wishes, my needs, a lack of respect… The alarm went off, the police came… How embarrassing! I hid because my mother was possessed and I was not able to face that situation. The police themselves realised that my mother was not well, she was acting possessed, out of hatred, anger or I don’t know, and they advised me to put out a restraining order. And I did, because I was scared.”

Sofia’s cry is heartbreaking: “I need to breathe, my time and my space. There are many years in which I am also guilty of having normalized moments that should have been cut off long ago but I was afraid, it is obvious.” And she adds: “She does not recognize what is happening, she does not. She is still my mother and I will always be grateful to her for having brought me into the world and raising me, but I need to live my life. She is not well, she needs help and I do not have the strength, right now the healthiest thing is to distance myself and wait for her to recognize her mistakes, she has never done so, she always looks for others to blame. It is sad to say it, but my mother does not know me.”
