Shakira spoke in court about Piqué’s “jealousy” and his “playboy fame”: “Our relationship was very turbulent”

Shakira (46), on June 6, 2019, sat down for the first time in the Spanish courts to render accounts for the alleged tax fraud of 14.5 million euros. This Friday, June 16, while waiting for the new trial to be held at the end of the year, his first statement before the judge has been leaked.

To try to demonstrate that between 2012 and 2014 he did not reside in Spain long enough to pay taxes in our country (183 days), the interpreter of Blind, deaf-speechless spoke in depth about the beginning of his relationship with the father of his two children, Gerard Piqué (36), whom he met in 2010 and from whom he finally separated about a year ago, opening a real media war in the form of songs and other darts.

Shakira’s statement in 2019

“Those years [2012, 2013 y 2014] I was breaking it worldwide with my music. I was everywhere, I lived on a plane more than any pilot“, he assured in the courts, as stated four years later The country.

When Shakira and Piqué began dating after meeting at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, she chose to travel to Barcelona sporadically to meet him: “I start dating him and if I have a bit of time, I’d rather go see him and not the Bahamas.“.

In Nassau (Bahamas) he bought a house in 2004, where he even lived with Antonio de la Rúa. Her ex continued to visit the Bahamas and Piqué did not like this, as Shakira explained: “It was a situation that Gerard did not like. So, to appease his jealousywhich were natural because we did not have a consolidated relationship, there was insecurity on both sides“.

The Colombian singer, according to her own account, continued to travel from one place to another for work and seeing Piqué only when possible. She even did real juggling to see him even if it was only for a few minutes: “I was delighted with him. I remember flying from Marrakech to Croatia. We flew over Barcelona and I asked the pilot of the plane if I could land just to kiss Gerard“. Next, in his statement he threw a pull at the Treasury: “It is the most romantic thing I have done in my life. I don’t know if the Agency [Tributaria] I will have computed it like a day in Spain“.

In his statement, he insisted on making it clear that his relationship with the former culé footballer, who was around 23 years old at the time, was not yet consolidated and that he was not residing with him on Catalan lands: “How was I going to sacrifice everything for a boy I was meeting, there raiding the cradle (between laughs) Our relationship was very turbulentHe was a Dragon Khan, because our professional lives did not match, it was like mixing oil and water. I was a globetrotter and he had to keep a schedule. We didn’t get along very well, and I hope this doesn’t leak to the press.“.

In this sense, this is how he defined Gerard: “In 2011, when I started dating him, we hardly saw each other. He was 23 years old, ten years younger than me. Soccer player, handsome, with a reputation as a playboy… I was crazy at the time. Right now he’s a great guy, but then he was a loquito and I had no guarantee that things would move forward or that we would start a family. I never imagined that I would live in this country because of that boy with a beard. that was incredible, but well, no more”.

On the other hand, his wishes did not go through residing in Spain since the United States is the heyday of the music industry: “I did not want to come to Spain. It is a beautiful country, but it is not the epicenter of the music industry . For me, being in Spain is a huge sacrifice. for my professional success, because I don’t have the best in artistic production, which is in the United States”.

For all this, he did not consider living in Spain until 2015, when Milan, his firstborn, who was born in January 2013, started school: “We educate Milan and things change. Right now we are a consolidated family, although we will never be a conventional couple.”

The artist from Barranquilla sentenced her intervention in the courts with a whole declaration of intent: “Here I am, with a criminal problem in a country that generates almost none of my income. (…) Sincerely, Your Honor, I don’t know anyone who is in criminal proceedings for having a boyfriend. That’s why I feel like it’s so unfair and surreal.”

The war between Shakira and the Treasury

In a first case, his fiscal residence in 2011 is investigated. However, it is of an administrative nature because the presumed crime has already prescribed. In this case, he faces a request that amounts to 60 million euros. Of this amount, 27 million correspond to his alleged tax offense and the other 33 correspond to the amount that he endorsed the sanction to regularize his situation and be able to challenge the decision of the Tax Agency, if applicable.

The other cause, for which he is accountable in court, investigates his tax residence in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and goes to criminal proceedings. It must be remembered that she is accused of an alleged fraud of 14.5 million euros and she faces a prison request of eight years and two months. She also to a fine of 23.8 million. The trial, as we said, will come out at the end of the year, presumably in November.
