Mail on Sunday Vs Harry. Prince must pay 48,000 pounds (55,000 euros) in costs for the lawsuit against the newspaper's publishing company, Associated Newspapers, for an article about the security measures that the duke demanded for himself and his family. This has been ruled by a Supreme Court judge, who has given way to the trial that will take place in 2024 if both parties do not reach an agreement sooner.
Harry has lost a part of his battle over what he considers defamation. The thorny issue of the prince's security returns to the fore, which was withdrawn after he and his wife, Meghan Marklethey will activate the Megxit button and will no longer be part of the Royal House.

He Mail on Sunday published a piece in 2022 about How the Duke of Sussex tried to keep secret his dispute with the Government over maintaining the police escort, but after the story came to light Harry launched “his public relations machine” to try to “take advantage” of the dispute. The youngest son of Charles III considered this case as defamation, that the article “lied” and that it was “cynically” intended to manipulate public opinion. The defamation lawsuit will continue in a trial expected to take place from May 2024. This month's costs, which amount to the aforementioned £48,000 that the duke must pay, correspond to a fraction of the legal costs totals, as pointed out by the BBC.