Setback for Angelina Jolie in her latest legal battle against Brad Pitt over his French vineyards

Angelina Jolie (48) has received bad news in his legal battle against Brad Pitt (60). The Luxembourg court has ruled in favor of her ex-husband after the artist tried to keep Château Miraval, the vineyard they have in common in France. Both agreed that any individual decision regarding this property should be consulted in advance with the other party. However, the actress breached this agreement and sold Pitt's stake to Stoli, a well-known vodka brand that operates in Moscow. The judge has ruled that 10% of the stake return to Pitt provisionally.

The actress wants to take over Château Miraval, and alleges that the protagonist of Damn bastards, Given his alcoholism problems, he is not in a position to own a winery. It should be remembered that her divorce occurred after a fight in which the actor allegedly exercised verbal and physical violence towards her and her children. An altercation that occurred in 2016, when the family was traveling by plane from France to California. Pitt acted, as Jolie indicated in her statements, under the influence of alcohol. Since then they have also fought for custody of their six children.

However, the actor's addictions are not enough for the courts to agree with the interpreter regarding the vineyard business. The actor found out from the press that the protagonist of Maleficent had sold his stake to Yuri Shefler, a “Russian oligarch” linked to Vladimir Putin and owner of the Russian vodka giant, which Pitt considered an attempt to damage his reputation. This led him to file a lawsuit in response alleging that Jolie took away his right to enjoy her private home and supervise the business.

The artist believes that Jolie chose this buyer because “she knew it would be bad for business” given his ties to Putin, especially over the “invasion of Ukraine and his homophobic legislative agenda.” From Page Six, which has had access to the summary, report that Pitt's representatives claim that “Jolie's actions were illegal, they seriously and intentionally harmed Pitt and she was unjustly enriched.” They say the artist acted out of “revenge.”

Additionally, Pitt's team recalls that when they got married, he gave his then-wife an additional 10 percent as part of their wedding gift, making it a 50-50 asset, instead of the original 60-40when they split in 2016. Since Jolie sold her shares, Pitt has been arguing that their agreement was invalid and that she should still retain a 60 percent ownership.

“He owned 60 percent and she owned 40 percent. When they got married, it was a conversation where everything was rosy at that moment. The agreement was that she would give him 10 percent, a 50/50 deal they reached for one euro. “It was a symbol of their association,” a source close to the actors told the aforementioned media. Now, the court has ruled that Pitt must recover the percentage that he had lost, although it is a provisional decision. A final ruling has yet to be reached.
