Sergio Rico’s wife, disconsolate on her first wedding anniversary: ​​”When you wake up we will celebrate every day”

Sergio Rico remains in “serious condition” after being hit by a runaway horse in El Rocío (Huelva) last may 28. According to the latest medical report from the Virgen del Rocío Hospital, the PSG goalkeeper has been sedated again after being conscious for a few days.

This Sunday marks one year since the goalkeeper and his wife, Alba Silva, they said ‘yes, I want’ in Seville. On the occasion of her wedding anniversary, the journalist has dedicated an emotional open letter to her on her social networks.

“Just a year ago I was having the happiest day of my life, you waited at the altar with misty eyes while you saw me arrive together with all the people we love. I always remember that look of complicity, it was the moment we dreamed of since that we met, because from the beginning I knew that you would be the love of my life. I have never met anyone with a nobler and more beautiful heart than yours, which makes everyone who meets you want to stay close” she recalls excitedly.

“Our day was as magical as ours has always been, and no, we are not the perfect couple, there are also gray days and we argue over absurdities, but I am totally happy when I am with you on the sofa at home, with our puppies being a family , that I know that my place in the world is, together with you, whatever the city,” she longs for.

“You never fail me, you are the bravest and strongest person I know, that’s why I know you’re not going to give up, for us, for our family that we still have to enlarge, for all the happy moments you owe me, for all the people who love you, for all the anniversaries that we have to celebrate my love…”, continues Alba.

“We have overcome a lot together, and I know that we will be able to handle this, that soon you will be reading these words and holding my hand to give me the peace of mind that only you know how to give me. It is not the first anniversary that I had imagined, but I promise that when you wake up We are going to celebrate each of the days that we spend together. I miss you a lot. I wait for you and I love you my Serg. Always strong”, he concludes.

Rico, 29 years old and after having gone through the Sevilla and Mallorca squads, was hospitalized after suffering a head injury during the pilgrimage to the Virgen del Rocío. Since the accident, he has been under the constant surveillance of specialists in the Intensive Care Unit of the Seville capital hospital and under the care of his loved ones.
