Better out than at home where he has only added nine points. “The statistics are there, we won more abroad. Every game is a challenge, there is not a big difference between playing away or at home as there is no public. There is nothing of advantage as before. In our stadium, our players are encouraged and we have always said it, we would be with a few more points if there were people in La Rosaleda. It is a challenge and we have the obligation to become strong in our stadium, to find positive dynamics. Football changes in 135 minutes, from 0-2 in Lugo. We are the same as Lugo's break, we want to continue improving. We need all the players, I would like to cut the streak and add in our stadium.
State of happiness. “I would like to continue prolonging that positive dynamic. The difference of a state of form, negative or positive, is in 135 minutes. After the first part of Lugo we were not comfortable, but the team had faith, soul and football. These 90 minutes of Fuenlabrada, due to the circumstances and the rival, gave us strength. Individually we compete for the good of the collective. You see the happiness of the players on the field and it has to be prolonged. Our present is every 90 minutes, each game is titanic, there is no rival, except for a specific game due to a situation, which wins easily. They are small details and tomorrow we will have a tremendously complicated game. We maintain that state of happiness, but you have to be prepared for everything. It is difficult to add each day ”.

Cartagena arrives with Rubén Castro and his coach, Borja Jiménez, questioned. “I intend to analyze Cartagena globally. Rivals are analyzed throughout the competition. Cartagena in October was the best team in the League in seven games. Now he has a different streak, in a scoring dynamic not suited to performance on the pitch. With Rubén Castro, Gallar or Elady they have a lot of offensive potential. You are penalizing very specific individual errors. It is a team that seven days ago was above us. When there is a bad dynamic, everyone is doubted. We have experience, in victory we feel orphans and with victory the whole world appears. When the team is like this, it appeals to commitment. I expect a complicated and difficult match. We have to view them with the utmost respect. Add these three local points. Feel that state of joy and happiness. When a team is happy and happy they can put our feet on the ground. Maximum respect for his coach, our future is in 90 minutes ”.
Requirement level. “From the first day we have a very realistic message with the group, very demanding. But our idea is to look as high as possible the better, but it is very hard, we do not know how many professionals we are going to be. This competition is the longest, 42 games. There are penalties, injuries, states of form. It makes it possible for us to compete for the help of young people. I have a war part that has not been able to train this week. They know what it costs. That image of the last goal in Fuenlabrada, of all the players who did not play in a pineapple, that commitment and that humility, but without forgetting where we come from and the demanding fans that we have. May we all feel represented by hunger and work. Work is not negotiated. At the limit we can achieve impossible things, having faith and with the fortune of having healthy players. It is the message of the day to day, to follow. Let no one fail. It is to insist, work and tenacity “
Can you watch the playoff? “We aspire to compete tomorrow. Add three points that make us mark that distance. I am not going to leave the speech, this is very demanding. You have to really appreciate what this group of players does. Cartagena is a very difficult opponent, who will come with his fang between his teeth to remove that negative dynamic. We don't give up anything, let's see what part we have. A continuity, looking beyond the next game would be a serious mistake on the part of the squad. When you see that your team wins, we will not remove the illusion. It makes you reborn and rejuvenate. Our speech is to be demanding and score points. I hope those bad moments don't come. There are injuries, penalties, states of form, dynamics. We are on alert, more than ever. The enemy of a team is itself from within. We are clear about the way forward ”.
He was asked about a possible renewal. “It is time to talk about Cartagena. When we arrived there was rain and storm every day. When we go, let it be with sun and rainbow. Football is currently rabid. Keep growing as a team, keep growing collectively, is what worries me. We know how football works. We focus on the day to day, the next game. We are going to try to keep this state of form in the group, keep adding. It is very early in this shredder is where there are more coaching dismissals. Everyone has to be more alert ”.
Joaquin and Yanis: “We like to have pure and hard extremes. We want to insist. The first thing is the effort. As there is talent, first we must put the effort. They are giving us performance, we want them to have continuity. They are very clear positions, very specific because they give a lot of scope to the team. I'm very happy. “
Possible signing of Yanis, for whom there is a purchase option until May for one million euros: “It is good to speak of good because it means that the group is performing and benefits. It is very early. We have to focus on the day to day, maintain a balance. When there are good states of form, it is when there is more alert to The truth is that there is only work. I am very happy with Yanis' performance, what we want is for him to last. “
Orlando Sá. “I never usually say who is going to play. We are very happy with Orlando's work. There have even been moments during the competition when he was going to play and due to discomfort situations he could not. Tomorrow we have a good opportunity for him and for other players, “said Pellicer about the Portuguese, a footballer who has shown great professionalism since he landed at Malaga and who has earned the respect and admiration of his teammates:” Orlando, for his experience and ability, is very important for us both within the group and for what he can contribute on the pitch “.
Appeal for Caye Quintana
Chavarría, sanctioned, also suffers a muscle injury on his right hamstring. In addition, Benkhemassa did not train due to an injury to his left calf. It would be a doubt for this game. At least, Pellicer commented that Ismael, already recovered, may be from the game. Hicham is expected next week. Jairo and Escassi will continue to be out due to injury.
In addition, Málaga has presented an appeal to the Appeals Committee to try to get Caye Quintana to be here this Saturdayor. He still has a penalty game to serve. The man from Huelva was expelled against Lugo after a collision with Carrillo.