Tie assessment: “We did a very good first half, the team pushed up, we were aggressive. Hicham has given us depth, we have clearly been superior in the first part. Maybe the scoreboard has fallen short. In the second part it was another totally different game ”.
Concern: “We have to be realistic, but not pessimistic. This is going to be a suffering. It will be a road full of obstacles. We were disappointed, even more with the results that had been given to extend that distance. The team is hurt in the locker room, but we are afraid to get up for the next game. The players who have come out have tried to do their best. You have to be self-critical, but I think the criticism has to be done from the inside, the group is strong. The reality is this and we are concerned because we want to improve. This team was on matchday 16, 17 and 18 in descent and left. And we will fight. On Tuesday we will try to achieve victory. The criticism has to be constructive, the reality is that we have to improve a lot. We are not encouraged by pessimism. Possibly in Lugo Luis (Muñoz) is not there, Tete either … but you have to cover the footballers. It is a time to unite and go everyone on the road, from within the club and also from the people. ”
Lost opportunity: “With the results that were… I have told you before that we have to look at ourselves. It is of no use that rivals do not win. A final means all or nothing, we have achieved a draw that is not what we wanted, but we have to get up. Some of the rivals are going to achieve a streak of two or three victories, we did it before confinement, but then … We have to think about the next game and hopefully it will be with a victory. There is nothing closed no matter how the result goes. Tomorrow we have to train and prepare to improve tactically, emotionally and physically to recover all the players we have with discomfort ”.
Defensive deficit: “We knew the potential of the opponent on set pieces. They have six players with more than 1.85. In the first part we have solved it well, but in the second, by not pressing well, by not being together, the rival plays, and they have taken centers. Munir has had several interventions … At the defensive level, the worst part was the first against Tenerife. We have to keep improving. The objective is to be very solid at a defensive level, that we have very clear. We have to adjust mechanisms and be very solid, grant fewer centers, fewer shots. We knew that a set piece could happen and we have not been lucky. You have to start working to find that improvement. The key is in the defensive aspect and to be very solid ”.
The team, far from its spark: “There is a large percentage of teams that are far from their best level. Today we have run more than the rival, the physical data is there. It is not a matter of running, but of dividing efforts well. In the first part we have worn down and in the second the rival has played on our field and there we have suffered. We have no choice but to continue recovering. On Tuesday we have another game and we have to improve our efforts. Let's work on it. You have to think that there is a lot left. You have to be realistic, but all go hand in hand, demand each other and know that it is going to be a hard road in which the team is going to get up, I have no doubts ”.
Estremadura: “It has a faithful reflection of what happened last season. Each game costs a lot to win. Those of us who are there need to hook two or three consecutive victories. Extremadura has options, last year it did it. He managed to win on very difficult fields like here, with Depor, against Cádiz… Any team can take that positive streak and get out of there ”.
Lugo: “Today they have had an expulsion and they have had an extra effort, playing with one less player causes wear. Lugo have a very large squad and very good players. The victory against Racing has made him believe more. We look at ourselves and we are going to go with the idea of having several party plans to be able to maintain the efforts of maximum intensity during the maximum possible minutes ”.