Vctor, in a file image.
The general director of Mlaga, Richard Shaheen, assure that the club and Vctor Snchez del Amo, your technician suspended from his duties after the diffusion of a last video yours through social networks without your consent, “they are in talks to resolve the situation in a friendly way and satisfactory to all. “
In an appearance before the press, in which he finally admitted questions, the US leader said Friday that “the idea is to reach a friendly conclusion” with the coach and that there is “a plan planned to activate” when that solution is reached, although I don't need more extremes.
“Mlaga wants condemn the violation of Vctor's right to privacy and continue offering his support to him and the authorities so that the guilty parties are duly tried, “said the director general of the entity, since” you are Extra-sporting circumstances have also damaged the reputation and image of Mlaga. “
On the decision of temporarily suspend the technician from his duties Madrid, who filed a complaint with the Police for the extortion to which he was subjected and later another for the diffusion of the aforementioned video of sexual content, Shaheen defended that with her they wanted to “protect the club and give Vctor time to resolve this issue with guarantees “.
“We will always do what is best and most appropriate for Mlaga. I am confident that we will be able to reach a solution shortly,” said the leader of Mlaga, who also needed to make it public once “it is” reached. “
In any case, affirm that “there has been no interruption or interference in the training of the first team under the technical direction of the club's sports staff”, with the second coach, David Dniga, in front.
The Malaguista president also referred to the financial situation of the entity and said that “it is completely stable” and that, due to the viability plan they presented to LaLiga, “since November the club has reduced its expenses by 939,138 euros and increased its income in 953,000 “.
According to Shaheen, “the club's plan is strengthen the team and in no way dismantle it “, and thus confirmed the signing of striker Sergio Buenacasa, on loan from Mallorca.
Also highlight that the owner of Mlaga, the Sheikh Qatar Abdullah Al-Thani, “supports everything that is being done”, including “the measures being taken and the feasibility plan”, and explained that “in March” a Sports City field will be available, whose work is paralyzed due to lack of funds , although “the idea is to have a strong Academy in two years”.
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