Lugo players Iriome González, Sebas Moyano and Pedro López are out due to injury and recovering from their respective discomforts, that in the case of the second one, it will last between three and five months.

Sebas Moyano presents “a subchondral impaction fracture in the left knee” and will miss the first months of competition.
Iriome, as Lugo explained in a medical report, “has been presenting a series of discomfort in the area of the right hamstring muscles.”
The man from Tenerife “is working with the club's physiotherapy and rehabilitation team” and “it is estimated that over the next few weeks he will be able to rejoin the group, always according to evolution.”
For its part, Pedro López continues with his post-surgical recovery after a hip injury, with medical and physiotherapy treatment and the rehabilitation process has begun. EFE