The president of CD Lugo, Constantino Saqués, appeared at a press conference in what was to be an analysis of the season of the albivermellos but which included an extreme defense of the figure of Javier Tebas and his management in the controversial season finale lived in the Second Division. The president began by thanking “the team for their work, and also the fans, the city, the institutions and the sponsors for their support”, underlining that “we saw a communion like never before between club and fans, our people were always there. “

Saqués also analyzed the scenario to come, pointing out that “everything is going to be complex, we have to be prepared for all scenarios”, also announcing that “by indications from the League At the moment, no subscriber campaign will be carried out until the institutions advise it“, quantifying the economic loss if the subscription campaign is not finally carried out at” about 600,000 euros “.
But where the president albivermello spread the most was in the defense of Javier Tebas and his management. Saqués pointed out that “We must highlight the work of La Liga and Javier Tebas so that everything was viable. It was a beastly job and it must be taken as a global success. “In economic terms, the Lugo president quantified in” more than 600 million what would have been lost if the competitions were not resumed, which would mean a general bankruptcy. In that context Thebes had it clear, it was necessary to continue “.
He even went further, calling it “incredible that someone asks to leave Thebes. Thanks to the work of the League, the loss of income will be below 5%, “and he said that” we cannot make things wrong. Fuenlabrada complied with a protocol approved by all parties, “also underlining that”I do not see sense to some claimsSaqués ended up “giving all the support to the League, nobody can put their particular interests before the legitimate rights of others, and the figure of Thebes has been key in that”. The alleged included that “.the league of 24 is unfeasible, the proposal is not understood. “
Finally, and focused on sports, Saqués stated that “Juanfran managed to increase the potential of the team, if we did not undertake the last change of coach today we would be a Second B team. It is not easy to find profiles that work so well, “and he ended by acknowledging that” the budget will drop compared to last year and we will have to study the situation to get the best possible configuration, as always “.