The passing of the hours has made the initial pain due to the Cup era’s elimination give way to a tremendous feeling of pride. between the Rayo squad, its coaching staff and all the fans without exception. Social networks have become the best thermometer of the situation and, Although the Strip has been left without the long-awaited Cup final, the feat that has led to reaching the semifinals is already beginning to be valued. Something that had only happened once in the almost centenary history of the club, in 1982.
“Sometimes endings are that hard. Thank each message, each gesture of trust towards this group that wanted to continue making history. Proud of each partner. Now to work and to think about achieving our objective in the League and being able to continue enjoying this beautiful year. Today happier than ever to belong to Rayo”, said captain Óscar Trejo. While another of the bearers of that bracelet, Mario Suárez, reflected: “Despite how hard it was, For me it is a victory to belong to this group and represent Rayo and Vallecas“.

Nevertheless, the most stark message has been written by Santi Comesaña. Some lines that have moved the rayismo, since it has felt identified with that torrent of mixed feelings: “It’s over. I’ve been here for six years and I’ve lived through everything, but I don’t remember a moment as beautiful and at the same time as hard as this… I feel pride knowing how far we got, but my soul breaks thinking about what could have been and never will be. He escaped from us when we were closer to him, but in all this time I have learned that we, the rayistas, always, no matter how much they throw us over and over again, we get up“.
One of the great triumphs of Rayo was having fought until the end, leaving the flame of hope alive until the discount. Another aspect that many of the red-haired players have highlighted. “we gave it all“, pointed out Luca. Along these lines, the message from the injured Falcao went: “Proud of the work of the whole team and of have fought until the last minute“. All by and for them, for the fans. There were 400 in the Villamarín stands and thousands watching from their homes. “I feel very happy to have made so many rayistas dream. Over time we will value this moment much more for history”, argued Isi. While Fran García is clear: “One always dreams of reaching nights like this, but it does not always turn out the way one wants. From now on to work and leave us everything to achieve the goal of the League because if life has taught me something, it is to never give up“.
Oscar and Baby: “We thought we could”
Óscar Valentín finished the game against Real Madrid with his ankle damaged by a hard tackle from Casemiro, but he arrived on time and was one of the most outstanding players at Villamarín. “We have had it in the palm of our hand. The team is very committed to the neighbourhood, to the values of this club and we show it game by game”, he explained to the entity’s official media, in which he was full of praise for his partner Bebe: “It’s one of those goals that only Bebe is capable of doing.”
The Portuguese winger detailed his 0-1, a goal for history: “I entered with enthusiasm, I tried the first free kick and I was left with a good feeling. Already in the second, I was lucky and scored a great goalbut I’m sad because we didn’t manage to reach the final”. And that thanks to Baby he caressed that dream: “It’s hard. We competed very well, we pushed until the end and we thought we could… We have to raise our heads. The team left everything on the field“.