Santi Acosta against Jorge Javier: Telecinco uses Ana Obregón’s special as a test to replace the ‘Deluxe’

He had been outside the Fuencarral chain for years, although he is not unknown to the public or to Mediaset. Hence Saints Acostawhich has made formats like Pink sauce, be the new name that appears in the pools of the directors of the chain of Borja Prado to replace Jorge Javier Vazquez.

This Friday is the litmus test with the special program on the surrogate motherhood process of Ana Obregón, in the place of the Deluxe. Acosta is in charge of the space produced by Santi Botello (Mandarin) and Avaro Garcia Pelayo (Gtres), the same ones who carried out the documentary film save the king (HBO)also directed by Acosta.

Ana Obregon’s special actually hides a project that goes far beyond this installment and is considered in the corridors of Fuencarral as a test, a test to see how it works and, if it goes well, replace once and for all both the Deluxe as its presenter, Jorge Javier Vazquez. Neither the image projected by the veteran format from Badalona nor the audience results are to the liking of the new dome of the audiovisual giant after the departure of Paul Vasily.

At least that is what the bosses have transmitted to the team that already works in a second program proposal in case expectations become a reality. The format aims to be rigorous, informative and, above all, very white. With different and conflicting opinions but put on the table with education and with more journalistic criteria than shouting. It will also have new collaborators, such as Boris Izaguirreand not all of them will be Mediaset regulars because they intend to take a turn and do the opposite of what has been done up to now.

This is only the beginning of the new times that are coming in the channel. We were the first to tell that, after the departure of Paolo Vasile, a new era began. The chain’s image crisis hit rock bottom and the audience data was crying out for it. Even so, the changes are being made little by little. They began with offices, leaving out, for example, Leonardo Baltanás, that he was the director of Contents, or Mirta Drago, director of Communication and External Relations in Spain of Mediaset to sign, as we anticipated in scoop, to Sandra Fernándezwho was the general director of Communications Media of Isabel Diaz Ayuso in the Community of Madrid. By the way, Sandra is the ex-wife of Santi Acosta, with whom she has several children. Their relationship is cordial. The first wife of Santi Acosta, born in Madrid in 1966, was Isabel, sister of Marisa Martín Blázquez. Sandra was his second wife, whom he met while working (she ran Pink sauce).

In Mediaset they want a whiter heart, like the one that is operating in the competition chain, Antena 3. Of course, in the spotlight are spaces that once formed the backbone of the grid and gave great audience data, such as Save me. Jorge Javier has a long-term contract but, as he himself said, it can be broken at any time. From the Fuencarral chain they explain to us that making data above a 12% share against the unbeatable Your face is familiar to me (Antenna 3) “wouldn’t be a bad start.”