Sánchez opens the door to stop the rise in taxes due to the effect of sanctions on Russia

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced tonight in an interview on TVE that “he will speak with the economic agents” and the political parties before implementing the tax increases suggested by the committee of experts from the Treasury, given the circumstances current. “I don’t want to take steps forward, we will have to study the effects that these sanctions will have on the industry and prices” against Russia, he stated.

In the interview, Sánchez emphasized the need to “safeguard unity”, both in Europe and among political parties in response to the attacks and threats by Russian President Vladimir Putin. For this reason, he wants to make sure that the measures taken are adequate and consensual, he has assured.

In the interests of achieving that unity, the Government will not send weapons to Ukraine, due to the misgivings of its coalition partners. But Sánchez has insisted that Spain already contributes money to the European Fund for Peace, which will allocate 450 million to acquire and deliver defense systems to the Ukrainian Army.

green hydrogen

The president has also announced that they will study restarting energy interconnection projects with France. “Europe cannot depend 40% of its energy” on a country that is a threat, he has assured. And he has pointed out that his goal is not only a gas pipeline but “also a green hydrogen pipeline”, to advance the decarbonization of the world economy.

Regarding the future political platform of Vice President Yolanda Díaz, with which she intends to absorb or replace Podemos, Sánchez has limited herself to praising “an extraordinary vice president” and wishing that her space “come out strong” in the elections that, she has insisted again, they will be held “in a timely manner”, at the end of 2023.

And regarding the pandemic, it has announced that “very soon” the indoor mask will no longer be mandatory due to the “horizon of de-escalation”. Although he has not specified a date, Sánchez has assured that it is a decision that will be made “very soon” with the consensus of the scientific community and the Autonomous Communities. “I don’t want to venture because they are the ones who are going to propose the moment.”
