San Mamés encourages the meeting with the partners

Athletic allocates the Lower North Tribune of its stadium for the Assembly of delegates next Saturday

The meeting will be held in the place that Elizegi dreams of for the animation stand

This is the lower North Tribune of San Mamés

This is the lower North Tribune of San Mamés

Athletic Club

The North Lower Tribune of San Mamés, in which the president Aitor Elizegi dreams of doing the Animation Gradation, will serve this Saturday as a place for those attending the Assembly of Compromisary Members scheduled by the rojiblanco club from 10 am. The Ibaigane entity itself has been in charge of publicizing some guidelines to try to establish “the safest possible environment”.

Members will be able to access this platform from 9 am on Saturday and take a seat in the corresponding blocks in front of a stage located at the foot of the field. The use of the mask, Athletic recalls, will be mandatory at all times.

With regard to the control of accreditations and voting, the rojiblanco club will place a series of tables along the boulevard of the Lower North Tribune. In the three ambigús that will be installed in said area there will be the corresponding service of water and hot drinks. That same day, at 9:00 p.m., Athletic will face Villarreal in San Mamés.

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