San José, decisive in the triumph of Birmingham

Mikel San Jose has fallen standing in Birmingham. He has already won a place in the eleven, has played the last three stakes in full, and also now participates in his team's goals. The ex of Athletic gave the assistance of the final 1-2 in the 85th minute so that those led by Aitor karanka were imposed yesterday on Preston.

The Navarrese placed a center measured from the right sector of the attack. He was released, but he put the ball with poison into the heart of the rival area so that Gardner head at pleasure. A real candy that the attacker did not miss. Then the celebration would come. There was no time for more. [/ embed]

The Birmingham has taken a good streak, has added seven of the last nine points in the race that lead him to settle in the middle of the table in the Championship. He is two notches from playoff positions. “Two in a row. What a week guys! ” Saint Joseph on their social networks. No time for rest, a new double date. The 'blues' will host on Wednesday Wycombe and on Saturday, at Bournemouth.