Samuel Sánchez will sponsor the presentation of the solidarity challenge ‘Spin Connect’


Ex-cyclist Samuel Sánchez, Olympic champion in Beijing 2008, will sponsor the presentation of the ‘Spin Connect Challenge’, the charity initiative that unites cycling and technology that will raise funds for the benefit of the Madrid Federation of Sports for People with Intellectual Disabilities (Femaddi).

The presentation ceremony, which will take place on July 19 (1:00 p.m.) in Las Rozas Innova, will be attended by the mayor of Las Rozas, José de la Uz; the president of Femaddi, Ángel Arévalo; the founder and CEO of Startup Olé, Emilio Corchado; the CEOS and founders of the startups and companies of the Hub Las Rozas Innova Alcandora and TuyGo, and athletes with intellectual disabilities who will also participate in the race.

Samuel Sánchez, ambassador of the challenge and who will participate in the race scheduled for September 4 and 5, starting in Las Rozas and finishing in Salamanca, at Startup Olé, one of the largest events in Spain for the business and entrepreneurial ecosystem, which will celebrated from September 4 to 6 in the charra capital.

The ‘Spin Connect Challenge’ is a sports-solidarity initiative that aims to raise funds for the benefit of Femaddi for the development of a web page and a mobile application that is accessible and adapted to the needs of its community of athletes and fans, which facilitates information and Participation in all your sporting activities.

Femaddi is an official organization that helps hundreds of people with intellectual disabilities improve their quality of life through sport every year. Through competitions, talks and courses, these people find a way to feel part of a team while improving their physical condition.