Salvador Illa: “What was agreed is to play behind closed doors”

Despite the fact that in recent days there has been much talk of the possibility that Spanish football with the public will return before the scheduled date, the Minister of Health Salvador Illa He reiterated this Friday that, for the moment, the plan is to play behind closed doors. “The agreement is that they be held for the moment behind closed doors in the conditions that the Higher Sports Council, respecting the protocols of the Higher Sports Council itself and which was supervised by the Ministry of Health, according to what we understand to be the protective measures for the participants of all sports competitions, ”he said this Friday.

The fact that parts of Spanish territory entered phase III of the de-escalation had opened the possibility for people to return to the stands, but the Minister of Finance and government spokesperson Maria Jesus Montero He pointed out in this regard that “those territories that are in phase 3, specifically the Canary Islands, have the powers to determine within the global norms dictated by Health the advisability or otherwise of certain events and that there is interprovincial mobility.”

It should be remembered that The league returns next week both in First like in Second, and that several teams have expressed both their willingness for the public to return to the stands and the fact that they are preparing the different security protocols for this. But for now we will have to wait.