Salah and Barcelona, ​​pending “the computer” of Liverpool

Salah does not finish accepting Liverpool’s renewal offer. Negotiations have been going on for months, but the agreement remains unfinished. In the meantime, from England it is assured that Barcelona would be interested in his signing looking ahead to the next season. At the moment, it is just a rumor, but former defender Glen Johnnson is clear that Liverpool will decide Salah’s future using ‘big data’: “We know that when Liverpool renew the players and when they sign the players, everything is a matter of numbers and stats, “Johnson said in an Echo interview. “They will only do it if their computer says so,” he said.

Photo de Salah

Johnnson goes a step further and believes that Liverpool comes out the winner whatever the final result of the ‘Salah Case’: “They have the new contract on the way, Salah is demanding a big salary and is getting older. If Liverpool are offered an absurd amount of transfer money, it could be tempting, but we don’t know. You have to see what the deal is offered when you arrive. In any case, for Liverpool it is win-win ”.

What is clear is that Salah is not distracted by his contract negotiations. So far this season, he has scored 15 goals and six assists in 15 games for Liverpool. “I don’t see a better player than him right now,” says Johnnson.