Sabina, from one puddle to another: from her attack on the left to the new enmity that has broken her schemes

Joaquin Sabina (73) is one of the men who has given the most talk in recent hours on social networks for a series of issues: for his controversial statements about drugs, as we have already collected, and also for his political statements and his ‘enmity’ with Pancho Varona (65), a musician who has been fundamental in his decades of successful and unmatched career.

Let’s go by parts. The singer, who is premiering a documentary (Feeling it a lot) and spin (Against all odds), confessed this Tuesday at a press conference held at the Hotel Urso in Madrid: “I was on the left, but now I’m not so much because I have eyes and ears.”

Read alsoJoaquín Sabina, vilified in networks after saying that he feels “nostalgia” for drugs: “Tremendous shame”

In this sense, he also added: “After the revolutions of the 20th century all failed, communism has been a disaster and the drift of the Latin American left hurts me enormously, and those of the 21st century that are advancing are feminism and the LGTBI struggle” . His words have generated a stir on social media. Supporters of the left have felt a certain discomfort: “To talk about Sabina today would be to make firewood from the fallen tree,” the actor wrote, among other examples. Daniel Guzman.

Sabina breaks up with Pancho Varona

Sabina’s followers cannot understand her career without the man behind most of her successes, the producer and composer Pancho Varona. This Tuesday, Varona himself announced on social networks that they have stopped working together. Apparently, by decision of the singer-songwriter from Jaén: “Joaquín Sabina has decided, against all odds, not to count on me on his next tour,” he wrote.

And he added, being like a gentleman: “I want to thank you with all my heart for the 100 songs that we wrote together, the 40 tours in which I accompanied him and the 15 albums in which I was his producer. Although I will not be on this tour “I want to tell all of you who have been accompanying me for more than forty years that I will always be on every stage with you. Millions of thanks and all my love! Very sorry, Pancho Varona”.