Sabadell, the oldest team this second year

He Sabadell is preparing his season back to professional football. After five years in Second B, the Harlequin entity regains its place in Second and will seek to establish itself. Antonio Hidalgo has managed to make a block that is defined as “a family” and it is, at the moment, the team in the category with the highest average age: 29.2 years. Of course, this does not translate into experience in the category because only eight players know what it is to play in the Second Division.

The sports direction harlequinada has opted to give continuity to most players that sealed the promotion to Second and he hopes it pays off. There is full confidence in them. For this campaign, Sabadell has ten players who are 30 or over and they must lead a group that despite being the oldest in the category, this does not translate into experience. Why so only eight footballers know what it is to play in the Second Division. They are Jesús Olmo (163 games), Óscar Rubio (116), Edgar Hernández (69), Ángel Martínez (63), Ian Mackay (27), Grego Sierra (seven), Juan Hernández (two) and Aleix Coch (one). The rest will have their first experience in the silver category of Spanish football.

Shield / Flag Sabadell

But “age is just a number” recalled days ago a Nestor Querol that is part of the group of harlequin players that will debut in Second. He is 32 years old and made it clear that “I feel better and better. I am a bit late to play in Second, but age is in the physical and I feel good“.