He begins his preseason off, while Gorosabel, Sola and Navarro have missed training as a precaution: they ended with small charges against Toulouse

Matty Ryan He has started his preseason with Real injured. A tendinitis in the left knee keeps the goalkeeper in the dry dock, one of the eleven absent in training this Monday morning. It is, of course, not the best way for the Australian to start his second txuri urdin campaign. His loss is indefinite at the moment and a burden on his career for trying to add minutes. At the end of the last course he concluded dissatisfied with his substitution.
Beside Remiro y Zubiaurre, Marrero He has been the goalkeeper who has trained in Zubieta. The youth squad acts as Ryan. Sola, Gorosabel y Navarro, the most significant absences from training, have not participated as a precaution. The two full-backs and the Catalan finished with slight charges against Toulouse and are expected to join the team soon.
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