Russian and Belarusian athletes excluded from the Diamond League


Athletes from Russia and Belarus will not be allowed to compete in the Diamond League athletics world series following the recent invasion of Ukraine, organizers said in a statement on Thursday.

“At the General Assembly of the Diamond League held this Thursday in Belgrade, the Board’s recommendation was accepted that Authorized Neutral Athletes (ANA) -the denomination under which the Russians compete- and athletes from Belarus be excluded from all competitions. future meetings,” a statement said.

The Russians were already competing as neutrals, as their federation is suspended for doping offences. “This recommendation follows the decision of many sports governing bodies and the decision made by the World Athletics Council and reflects the practical and logistical problems that the meetings may face if ANA athletes from Russia and athletes from Belarus were invited to compete.” , continued the statement.

Russian and Belarusian athletes are also excluded from the World Championships in Indoor Athletics, which runs from this Friday until next Sunday.