The federative president visits the holy city of Medina, where Muhammad died, with the Spanish AVE that joins her to Mecca

Jorge Segrelles, president of the Medina-La Meca AVE consortium, Luis Rubiales, president of the RFEF, and lvaro Iranzo, Spanish ambassador to Arabia.
If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain. The history of humanity of aphorisms attributed to characters that have nothing to do with the preaching in question is loaded. This specifically corresponds to the English philosopher Francis Bacon – at least he included it in his Essays. Who knows whether as his own invention or under some proverbial inspiration.
There is no doubt that Luis Rubiales, president of the Spanish Federation of Soccer, yesterday visited Medina, the second holy city of Islam next to Mecca, and could be photographed at the foot of Mount Uhud. Where Muhammad, in addition to being badly wounded in battle, goes to preach. This mountain is one of the places that pilgrims usually visit, despite not being obliged to fulfill their vital trajectory. Non-Muslims have prohibited access to the top of the hill. The same norm – not included in the books of Islam, but applied without discussion – that includes many other spaces in the city, such as the prophet's own grave. Entry to Mecca for non-Muslims is also prohibited.
In any case, Rubiales' trip along with a large group of presidents of territorial federations, had as a great reason to be to know the first high-speed line of the Middle East: that which joins the 450 kilometers that separate Mecca and Medina, which was the highest contract of Spanish companies outside their country. In total, 7.1 billion euros.
The work was commissioned by a Spanish consortium of 12 companies: Adif, Cobra, Consultrans, Copasa, Dimetronic, Imathia, Inabensa, Ineco, Indra, OHL, Renfe and Talgo; besides the saudes Al Shoula and Al Rosan.
The high-speed line in Saudi Arabia, a work awarded in 2012 and opened in October 2018, is the first to be built on completely desiccated land. A hostile territory that, according to the president of the Spanish consortium, Jorge Segrelles, and given the abrasion of the sand, obliged trains to protect themselves using military technology. As the enclosure used by helicopters. All to prevent sand from entering the cabins or hindering speed, with peaks of 300 kilometers per hour.
“This Super Cup is oxygen”
Rubiales, also accompanied by the Spanish ambassador to Arabia, Alvaro Iranzo, was exultant. I even enjoyed the monumental aquarium with red sea coral embedded in the station of the airport of Jeddah, where the expedition started.
There is a certain parallelism with all this. We were also in crisis. Rubiales is referred to the massive contract signed by the Spanish consortium in Arabia, and also to the fact of having been responsible for exporting the Spanish Super Cup to the Arigan Peninsula.
Thus, before the critics received, the president of the Federation turned again. And he presented as the main argument the economic. Arabia pays 40 million euros. And the sale of the tournament television rights has gone from 2.4 to 11 million eurosThis contract has meant saving the deficit. Not only have we prevented a Third Party club that receives 30,000 euros from obtaining them, but also earning more than 40,000. Or that one of Second who had 70,000 can now exceed 100,000. This Super Cup, for us, is oxygen, Rubiales said before getting on the Talgo 350.
The president of the Federation took advantage of the trip to access the engine room. When I left, after reaching Medina after two and a quarter hours, I continued: I feel very proud as a Spaniard. A Saudi driver receives instructions from an Aragn technicianfrom Renfe. What a way to grow this country with Spanish technology. Just as proud as I feel of the members of my board of directors. What I value most is loyalty and courage. None put any fault. We have had many stones along the way to make the decision to come here. And I am convinced that in a few years it will be seen as a wise decision.
No one was there more satisfied than Rubiales.
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