RTVE's Equality delegate resigns due to the choice of 'Zorra' for Eurovision: “I apologize to the victims of gender violence”

There is no day without controversy surrounding the choice of 'Zorra' as the song that will represent Spain in the next Eurovision. Montserrat BoixEquality delegate of RTVE, has presented her resignation six days after the issue of In Nebula won the Benidorm Fest.

“I apologize to the victims of gender violence. 'Zorra' is neither empowerment for women, nor feminism”he said in a message posted on X. “I have resigned because I cannot assume this position”explained the journalist, who also recalled that her “first job as a delegate was to change the bases of the Benidorm Fest by order of José Manuel Pérez Tornero (who was president of RTVE) after the SloMo controversy”, a highly criticized song. by feminist sectors for sexualizing women.

The case of 'Zorra' is very different, because it is a song that was born as a proposal with a feminist message that wants to vindicate women who have felt “marginalized and humiliated,” as María Bas, singer of Nebulossa, explained. The song refers to an empowered woman who does what she wants without depending on anyone and without caring about the opinions of others, especially when she frees herself from the ties that in past times have prevented her from living in freedom.

'Zorra' has been defended by Pedro Sanchez (“Feminism is fair and also fun,” she said) and the Minister of Equality, but it has generated strong criticism both in conservative sectors and within the left, within the so-called classical feminism. Elena Valenciano or Susana Díaz have been against it, for example. In the world of television, Susanna Griso or Mariló Montero did not like the song either.

The 'Zorra' scandal comes from the use of a term loaded with negative connotations that is only used to insult women. But anyone who has heard or read the lyrics, beyond the title, will understand that what Nebulossa intends is to turn around the pejorative meaning that fox has and deactivate that derogatory charge of a word that becomes a sexist weapon when used by men. against women or also women among themselves. The same thing happens, and there are several examples, with the word “faggot”, which is also used in several songs.

The day after winning the Benidorm Fest, Nebulossa anticipated the criticism that 'Zorra' was going to receive and made clear what his attitude was towards the negative comments that, as has been shown, his song has generated. “We are of an age and you already see things and handle them differently. We are not 20 years old and I hate everything”declared Maria.
