Rosa López, devastated after not finding a sponsor for her trans video clip: “They don’t want to get into politics”

rose lopez has released his new song this week, 1930, with which he makes a defense and claim in favor of the trans collective. However, although she is fully satisfied with the result of the song, she is not entirely happy because she has not found any sponsor to finance her video clip. On YouTube, therefore, she has had no choice but to publish the song with the cover of the single.

Read also: Rosa López, attacked, explodes against Chenoa with a devastating sentence

It must be remembered that the trans law, promoted by Unidas Podemos, was approved on February 26 in the Congress of Deputies, generating some controversy between different political parties and sectors, including clashes in the Coalition Government. It went ahead with 91 votes in favor, 60 against, and 91 abstentions, and it recognizes gender self-determination as the only requirement to change sex in the civil registry from the age of 16.

After not finding a sponsor for her video clip, Rosa lamented this Friday on Cadena Ser: “I have discovered that nobody has supported me. I don’t have a video clip, because no sponsor has helped me, nobody has wanted to get in. They give you the excuse that they are in favor, but they don’t want to get involved in politics. This is not politics, it’s the people, it’s freedom…”.

Youtube Video

In this sense, the winner of OT1 has launched a protest message: “I shout freedom from my perspective even though I am straight. We should not say: ‘Rosa’s straight comes to do an interview’. I am happy that the law has been approved ” .

On the other hand, the singer has also received criticism for supporting this group. In this sense, the artist from Granada has lamented: “I am overwhelmed by the critics who say that I am ridiculous for supporting the law. I wish it were a hymn, but it is simply a song that I want to be there so that people ask for help and vindicate what they want”.

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In short, Rosa firmly supports the rights of trans people: “This song has been created to give love and give everyone a lot of strength to use it however they want, to ask for what they need. It has all been coincidence because the trans law requires 25 years for it to be approved”.

“My essence is under my skin. I broke the chains. I am finally who I want to be. It’s worth it. Today I feel like I’m being born again,” says Rosa’s song, among other protest messages.