Ronaldinho, moments after his arrest.
The former player of FC Barcelona and of the Brazilian team, Ronaldinho Gaucho, is adjusting “quickly“to life in the Paraguayan jail where he has been detained for several days,” the head of the facility told Reuters.
“He is doing very well,” explained Blas Vera. “He's in a good mood, as you see him on television. Always smiling“.
Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto They were arrested on Friday for using a false Paraguayan passport. His lawyer, Sergio QueirozThey claimed that they had asked the court to put them under house arrest and offered guarantees that they did not represent a risk of flight.
According to Vera, the former footballer and his brother have beds, a TV and a fan in the cell from the jail, which is located on the outskirts of the country's capital, Asuncin. They use a community bathroom and have the right to go outside regularly. That is, they have not eaten food from the jail, since their lawyers have provided them with food.
In the installation there are 195 detainees, including politicians and police accused of corruption, as well as the main drug traffickers in Paraguay. The most dangerous prisoners are in a different wing than Ronaldinho's.
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