Rocio Floresthe daughter of Rocio Carrascohas finally been seen and has taken the opportunity to reappear the inauguration of the museum of Jose Ortega Cano, which took place this Thursday. The young woman has not wanted to comment on the latest events in the life of her complicated family, such as the separation of her father, Anthony David y Olga Moreno and the consequent change of address of his little brother, david flores, who has had to go live with the former civil guard. Rocío answered just enough and was blunt when talking about Olga: “She is part of my family because she is my sister’s mother.”

“I come to see my family and that’s a point. I don’t need to come for anything else.” Rocío reappeared in public after having been away from the cameras for a long time. She did it, as she stated, to support her family: “I have come because I feel like it, it is my family and I have every right in the world to come,” she replied firmly.
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Rocío Jurado’s granddaughter attended the event to stand up for whoever her step-grandfather was and for her aunt, Glory Camilla, during the inauguration of the room in honor of Ortega Cano in San Sebastián de los Reyes, located in the El Caserón Ethnographic Museum. Together with Rocío Flores, in the act the bullfighter was supported by his sister-in-law rose benedict and his niece Charo Mohedano.

Confronted or not with Olga Moreno?
Rocío Flores did not want to talk about who is still her stepmother, Olga Moreno, of whom she has said that she is part of her family “because she is my sister’s mother and with that I make it clear to you.” Moreno, still the wife of Antonio David Flores, has remade her life together with Augustine Etienne and plans to move to live in Madrid.
It is “his family”, yes, but Rocío Carrasco’s daughter dislikes Olga’s new life, as published by the magazine Lectures what has explained Ana Luqueformer close friend of the winner of survivors: “I don’t know why they fought, I can guess that it’s because of the relationship with Etienne, I guess. I think Olga wasn’t too sincere and didn’t tell Rocío that she was with Etienne,” said Luque.
However, Antonio David’s daughter has always supported Moreno in the face of her father’s relationship with Martha I canwho recently had to apologize to Olga for having published photographs of her daughter’s tenth birthday with the former civil guard, Lolawithout her mother’s permission.

The last chapter of the confrontation is his brother, David Flores, the youngest son of Rocío Carrasco and Antonio David, who has been involved in the latest movements of the family. The young man, who until now lived at Olga Moreno’s house while her father was in Madrid, changes his address after the separation and it is not very clear what his house will really be.
Read also– David Flores no longer lives with Olga Moreno: the final break?
Antonio David’s daughter was seen in the middle of all these conflicts between her father and Olga Moreno, which is worsening over time, and logically affects her family stability.