Rocio Carrasco exercises the worst media mistreatment that can be conceived: he throws the stone but hides his hand. It hints at the worst but doesn’t say it. Defines the relationship Jose Ortega Cano with his mother as “very toxic” and says that during the marriage Dew Sworn “he suffered a lot” because the bullfighter “did not know how to value the woman he had” and because he did not always behave “correctly”.
What did? She doesn’t say it, she doesn’t specify. Was he picking his nose? Didn’t you recycle the trash? Was he unfaithful? She doesn’t tell and assures with false condescension that I’m not “going in there” because, “at the point we’re at, it’s unnecessary.” The truth is that he gets scared because maybe he would be sued for slander. And even so, without specifying, it is more than possible that Ortega consults if there is any legal action against the eldest daughter of his wife, converted into a television star to act as a scourge against almost everything that moves, in installments, and charging.
Above all, Rocío Carrasco revealed in the chapter of her docudrama in installments, which is now being broadcast openly, a supposed double life of the skilled Carthaginian which, according to the protagonist of the soap opera, made Rocío Jurado want to separate from him.
After lashing out at her ex-husband, most of her family and Raquel Mosquera, the daughter of La Más Grande now mistreats the bullfighter in the media: “My mother did not deserve the situations that were generated and she would have deserved to live differently, to have been happy and to have lived his last happy years”, he said to open fire. However, Rocío Carrasco chickened out when it came to specifying the insinuations against Gloria Camila’s father and repeated that her mother “seemed like a joke that she went to work and he had a series of attitudes in Spain that she do not consider correct”. Without going in for the kill, Rociito explained that Rocío Jurado had “very compromising” information about Ortega Cano but that she never allowed it to see the light: “My mother bought photos of Ortega Cano to protect him. I’m not going to tell you what, how or why”. In her cruelty for raising the hare of insinuation, she did not rely on a single test: “It’s something that she tells me. I’m not going to go in there because, at the point where we are, it’s unnecessary,” he explained. she.