Roberto Martínez: “I only worry if Hazard stops enjoying football”

Eden Hazard travels to Belgium to concentrate with his team and play the qualifying matches for the Qatar 2022 World Cup against Estonia and Wales. However, for Real Madrid’s seven it is much more than that, since his national team has been for him a refuge from criticism and doubts regarding his game. It is an oasis in which you have always felt comfortable and protected. This time it was not going to be less and, given the little prominence he has enjoyed in the last month under the orders of Ancelotti, his coach, Roberto Martínez, has decided to speak publicly and praise his figure.

Photo the Hazard

It is an unusual situation. We didn’t expect it to turn out like this”Martinez said in an interview with HLN. But that is football. I have seen that he is medically fine. He is completely fit. We have a good relationship with Real Madrid. We know you do the extra work to keep yourself as fit as possible. Eden wants to do everything possible to reach his highest level, “he said, calming down the Belgian fans.

However, he acknowledged that the fact that he has added few minutes in recent games is not positive. “This period of international matches is a great opportunity to play. It is not an ideal situation. But we don’t worry until Eden stops enjoying football. At the moment, this is not the case. I think he can finish the season strong, “he said.

The same medium, in an editorial signed by his football boss, Stephan Keygnaert, also expressed the concern that exists around Hazard. “His situation at Real Madrid has become even more desperate since this weekend, let’s be honest.“, he comments in an article signed ‘The wrong player, in the wrong place and at the wrong time.’ A vision shared by a large part of the Belgian fans.

The truth is that Hazard’s participation in recent Madrid games has been residual. The footballer, who came to be a star of the team, He has barely played 13 minutes in the last three games: 5 ‘against Elche, 0’ against Shakhtar and 7 ‘against Rayo. Critical situation that has awakened rumors of sale for the winter market, although in HLN they believe that it will continue, at least, until the summer of 2022.