Revilla reveals who he will vote for if Pedro Sánchez calls elections: “It’s what you have to do”

Miguel Angel Revillaat 80 years old in January, sat down this Wednesday, October 4, in The Anthillthis being his 29th visit to his friend’s set Pablo Motos. After updating the state of health of his wife, the former president of Cantabria has also given his opinion on the national political panorama after the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the subsequent order from the king to Pedro Sanchez form government.

On the one hand, he has criticized the leader of the Popular Party for the party’s pacts with Vox in different autonomous communities: “You were ahead in the polls. The previous pacts with Vox killed you. Spain does not want an extreme right-wing government (. ..) If you don’t make friends beyond Vox you won’t be president. “.

On the other hand, he has criticized the socialist for his negotiations with Junts per Catalunya, the party of Carles Puigdemont. So much so that he thinks that Sánchez should call elections and not give in to the requests of the Catalan nationalists related mainly to the amnesty law.

In this way, Revilla has sent a message to the acting President of the Government: “Think carefully, these gentlemen do not rectify and they are going to do the same. I think you are entering into complicated territory.”

Next, he encouraged Sánchez to call elections: “This is leading to new elections and that is what you have to do.” But he has not stopped there, since he has revealed who he would give his vote to if this happens: “If you call an election you are not going to get fewer votes, I would vote for you if the Regionalist Party does not go.”

The Cantabrian thinks that, if there are other elections, both PSOE and PP would win seats, thus favoring the two-party system.