Returning to the marital status of Infanta Cristina: a ring and many doubts about her divorce

No trace of divorce of Cristina de Borbón and Iñaki Urdangarín. Some publications have stated in recent months that in the month of November the marriage of the youngest daughter of the kings Juan Carlos and Sofía would be legally put to an end and that there would even be a official announcement, realizing that the former dukes of Palma were free.

None of this has happened so far, nor have the princess's lawyers and those of Urdangarin reported any news. In fact, there is no reason to confirm what was already evident since, in January 2022, an amateur photographer captured the walk of Urdangarín and Ainhoa ​​Armentia, a co-worker of Juan Carlos I's son-in-law, holding hands along an almost deserted beach in Bidart, the French town where the mother of the infanta's ex-husband has her summer home.

One day before the magazine that revealed the existence of a mistress hit the newsstands, we anticipated the coming scandal in this digital page. It was Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

Two years have passed and since then, everything has been said about the breakup of the marriage, the imminent divorce and the alleged astronomical economic conditions that Urdangarin supposedly demands from Cristina to sign the divorce. Figures denied by Iñaki's entourage, and that sound crazy. The news that a major company had offered him a very well-paid job was also pure fantasy, something that has turned out to be false.

It has been speculated Cristina's wedding ring as proof that the divorce had not yet been signed. Articles have been published about whether she was still carrying it, implying that the day her hands appeared without it would be a clear sign that she was a single woman again.

Well, on the day of Infanta Elena's 60th birthday, her younger sister entered the Pabú restaurant with Doña Sofía, where the family gathered for the celebration. As you examine the photo of the queen and her daughter, it appears that Cristina was wearing a simple ring with a stone on her left hand, judging by the shine in the center of the jewel.

What is the marital status of Cristina de Borbón? Perhaps we will only know when it is evident that Iñaki Urdangarin and Ainhoa ​​Armentia already live together and not only during their vacations. Or when we see some photos of the infanta's children with her father's girlfriend. Nor have we so far seen Iñaki's mother, Claire Liebaert, with the lover of Juan Carlos I's son-in-law. When those photos exist, they will be worth a thousand words.