The Atletico Madrid closed in this winter market two incorporations. It happens that, at the moment, only one works at the moment under the orders of Simeone. And everything indicates that, except for a drastic change in the situation in the two remaining days of the market, it will continue to be so until next summer.
The other of the signings that closed the rojiblanco team was that of Reinildo Mandava, left side of Little. The Mozambican player was last week in Madrid undergoing medical examination and closing his incorporation to the rojiblanco team. The side traveled to the capital of Spain accompanied by the agent Manuel Thomas and two lawyers.
The idea has been changing, from an initial intention to incorporate him free in the summer, when his contract with the ‘bulldogs‘, to do so by presenting an offer that did not satisfy the French club, until the current one in which there is some uncertainty. The mattress club is still trying to get the side to arrive but it does not reach the amount that the French team wants. In any case, there are still a couple of days left.
The fact is that, whether now or in summer, Reinildo Mandava will be a new player Atletico Madrid. And to be, he sacrificed a good number of offers that he had on the table. According to the newspaper ‘The ball’, had proposals for Portugal, England, Germany Y France who preferred to ignore to sign for the mattress team.
According to the aforementioned media, his decision was sporting but also personal because “reinildo it also wants to be a symbol of change.” As posted ‘The ball’ “The side considers that it is proof that a Mozambican player can play in a top club Europe, and one of the objectives of the left side was to create a bridge between the Atletico Madrid Y Mozambique, so that more Mozambican players can have the opportunity in Spanish football”.
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