Reinildo Mandava: “I try to work to always be above one hundred percent”


The new Atlético de Madrid footballer, Reinildo Mandava, was “very happy” to have signed for the rojiblanco team, where he hopes to help and where he will “work to always be above one hundred percent”.

“I am very happy to be at Atlético and it is a dream come true since we have always dreamed of reaching the highest level since we were children, especially coming from Africa and a country like Mozambique. Now I am here to work and to help”, he expressed. Mandava in statements provided by the club.

For the left back, it is a great satisfaction to represent this great club, which is the champion of Spain”. “I hope to help as much as I can. As a player I am a fighter, who gives everything on the pitch. I have the habit of saying that I never play 100% and yes 120%, that I try to work to always be above 100% and that way people can see a Reinildo who is always a fighter and is willing to help the team because he is I like, helping the team to achieve its goals”, he underlined.

The former Lille player celebrated being able to “share a dressing room with world-famous players” because that encourages him to “keep working and say that everything in life is possible with effort and work” and he also feels “flattered” to work for Diego Pablo Simeone, “one of the best coaches in the world.” “I have always admired him and now I am very happy to be able to work with him,” he stressed.

“I know that Atlético’s fans are fantastic and known all over the world and that’s what pushes us players because when you have one that plays alongside the players it’s very good because we feel their support and things go well. I’m wanting to be ready and feel that warmth from the fans, I think it will be a unique experience because it is one of the biggest fans in the world,” he said about his new fans.