Reinier comes out of the abyss

He counted little for Favre and he is struggling with Terzic, the new tenant of the Borussia bench. But, At least, with the current coach, Reinier (19 years old), he seems to be emerging, little by little, from his particular abyss. At Real Madrid is very concerned about the fact that the young midfielder, for whom he paid 30 million to Flamengo, will see his progression cut short. So far he has only been able to play 189 minutes spread over 12 games, of course none of them as a starter. A very precarious situation. However, it is valued very positively that, at least, now it is entering the calls and that it has linked three participations in the last four games, and that he even scored a goal from Haaland against Arminia Bielefeld.

At Madrid they understand that, finally, Reinier begins to enter the wheel. In the last winter market, the possibility of Reinier changing his team was strongly valued, but the reality is that no interesting offers arose for the move to take place either. The relationship between Borussia and Real Madrid is excellent and, at least, the white entity did make a promise to its CEO, Hans-Joaquim Watzke, that it was going to have more presence … And it is being that way.

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Reinier was able to leave on loan to Valladolid last summer. Ronaldo asked it to strengthen his team, and that would have even speeded up the deadlines for Reinier to obtain Spanish nationality (he has to be playing at least two years continuously in our League to start the process), but Reinier's environment he preferred the Borussia showcase, also following the model that has given Achraf such good results. In the past, it has been shown that it was a bad decision. Reinier's real interest is to succeed in Madrid, and spending a whole season practically without playing is not the best way to achieve his goal.

Either way, the reports Real Madrid receives from Borussia about the player are positive. His adaptation with the group is complete and, they say, “he is one of the squad, showing a lot of maturity”. The player has also spoken about it. “This city is neither Rio nor Madrid. But it is a working-class city and that is something that goes with me. In Brazil, Borussia is known for giving opportunities to young players “, Reinier said at the time and still does not lose hope that his will come soon. At the moment, step by step, it seems to come out of the abyss.