Reina: “I was lucky and I was able to stop the penalty”

It was the 84th minute of the match with the Visit Mallorca Estadi scoreboard indicating a 1-0 for the locals. At that moment, Jordi Mboula, who had been on the pitch for barely a minute, hit the ball with his elbow inside the area and the referee, at the request of the VAR, signaled a penalty.

Shield / Flag Mallorca

The run-run of the stands warned that all the work of the match could fall apart if Levante tied six minutes before the end of the match, but Manolo Reina appeared and stopped Morales' throw from eleven meters and the game ended minutes later with a Majorcan victory.

After conceding six goals at the Bernabéu, Manolo Reina was on the bench for the first time in a long time in the next game against Osasuna. His replacement, Dominik Greif, was unlucky and conceded three goals from the Navarrese who took the victory. A week later, the coach Luis García Plaza, returns the title to Reina who responds by stopping the outlined penalty.

The Andalusian goalkeeper assures that “we always study the rivals before the games, but when they shoot penalties like Morales does, they can mess it up, I've been lucky and I've stopped it”.

Regarding the supposed controversy generated in the goal about who should occupy it, Reina affirms that “Mallorca have two good goalkeepers, the important thing is that the goal is well defended, and with Dominik I am very well”.

For his part, Luis García Plaza has hinted that he plans to rotate in the goal with the two goalkeepers. According to the coach, Manolo Reina “has been very calm, he has a lot of experience and on the penalty he has been masterful, he knows how to read the games and I am very happy with the two goalkeepers.”