Regrettable attacks against Núria Cunillera after the Barça disaster in the Champions League: “Xavi is a clown”

Barca of Xavi Hernandez He has one foot more outside than inside the Champions League after the draw at 3 this Sunday against Inter Milan. Núria Cunillerawife of Xavi Hernández, is paying the piper for the Blaugrana on Instagram.

The reason? The businesswoman is receiving regrettable and unfair comments on her profile, as if she were responsible for the team’s results. Thus, his latest publication has been flooded with disqualifying messages: “Xavi out”, “Xavi out”, “Your man is a clown” (Your man is a clown) or “Tell your dwarf to leave Barcelona. He he destroys our club. He is the worst coach in the history of Barça.”

It is not the first time that something similar has happened with the wives of soccer players. The actress Sarah Salamowoman of Isco Alarconhas denounced similar attacks on his social networks on several occasions.

The soccer player and the journalist form one of the most discreet and stable couples in the world of sports. He, from Terrassa. She from Sabadell. On her day, the Catalan left everything to start a family in the United Arab Emirates, where they were born Asia y And, his two children with the footballer. They married in July 2013 after two years of dating. The link took place in the Marimurtra botanical garden, in Blanes, in the province of Girona.

Xavi, who did not have an easy mission due to the delicate situation at Barça, and his family returned to Barcelona to give the culé team a boost and put them back in the top European positions. The new great star of the team after the departure of Messi in the summer of 2021 is Robert Lewandowski, who at 34 is giving his all and earning, despite setbacks in the Champions League, the affection of the Catalans. In the League, after finishing third last season, the Blaugrana are standing out. The set goes first with 22 points. This Sunday they face the first Clásico of the season against Real Madrid at the merengues’ home.
