Support Unzue: “We want to send a big hug to Juan Carlos Unzue. A lot of encouragement, a lot of luck and a lot of strength.”

Important win: “It was a very complete game. The second half was sensational. We have been superior to Valencia in everything. We recovered the ball very quickly, the pressure was very effective. We scored three precious goals. Asensio returned after many months, who It is magnificent news. It has been many months of effort and sacrifice and football has rewarded him with this goal. “
Asensio: “He is an extraordinary player. We have high hopes for him. They have been very difficult months, the worst thing in football is injuries. He has had a lot of mental resistance, he felt like a player again and he has scored a great goal. Hopefully he can continue helping us the remaining games. “
Arbitration: “We are focused on ours, on playing well and winning for the fans. 90 minutes go a long way. We left the details of the refereeing to you (the press). They had very dangerous people
What is left of the League“Everything is final. We have to try to win every game. On Sunday we have another very difficult game and we have to think about it.”