Real Madrid travel plan to Manchester

The Real Madrid He has already designed the travel plan with a view to the first leg of the semifinals of the Champions League before him Manchester City. In the early hours of Monday they plan to catch the plane bound for British lands and where Carlo Ancelotti hopes that the Austrian can climb so much Alabathe brazilian casemiro and the French Mendy.

The whites plan to stay in one of the most luxurious hotels in the city from which they will go to training at the Etihad Stadium. Something that will occur on Monday afternoon. At 19:05 is the time set by the UEFA for the appearance of Carlo Ancelotti and a player before the press. The Italian coach will attend the media again after he could not be in the last duel in London against Chelsea as a consequence of COVID. It will be at eight o’clock local time when the whites step onto the pitch where on Tuesday they will try to seek victory or a good result with a view to the second leg that is scheduled for May 4.

On this occasion, and unlike what happened on the previous visit to London, if it is planned that there will be food between the two directives headed by the two presidents. On the citizen side, Khaldoon Al Mubarakand for the white team the maximum responsible, Florentino Perez. Surely the issue of the European Super League will be on the table, now that it has just been a year since its announcement.

In fact, the City was the first of the English teams to announce their departure from the project headed by Real Madrid after pressure from the British government and after having published Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur y Liverpool.

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