Real Madrid, the one that least rests on the return of LaLiga

The composition of the schedules of the first days of LaLiga in the return of the official competition has created unrest in Real Madrid: The white team starts on Sunday at home against Eibar and then they have three consecutive games at 22:00, against Valencia (at home), Real Sociedad (away) and Mallorca (at home). Although the main source of the white mosquito comes from the difference in rest between Madrid and its rival for LaLiga, Barcelona, ​​in a context of matches every three days in which the recovery will take on a fundamental role, as well as the depth of the squads .

A study by Twitter user @CarrascoPManu This difference and the root of the white displeasure are evident: in the first five days of LaLiga he will accumulate 74 hours and a half less rest than his rivals, having less refreshment in three days and only being benefited in one (the first day, the 28th, no account when coming all the teams of the stop by the coronavirus and, therefore, of a situation of equality). After the league reactivation this week against Eibar, Madrid will come to a duel against Valencia, on Thursday at 22:00 in Valdebebas, with 98.5 hours of rest; the chés, with 144, 45 and a half hours more.

The situation will be repeated on the following day against Real Sociedad in Anoeta, although in a much more subtle way: just two and a half hours more rest for the locals. The biggest imbalance will take place on Matchday 31, to which Madrid will arrive with 72 hours and Mallorca, with 122 and a half hours; a difference of 50 and a half hours in favor of vermilions. And on day 32 the first advantage for Madrid will come after the retired LaLiga, with 24 hours more rest for whites compared to Espanyol (There are no schedules for that day at the moment, but the difference in the 31st between the Madrid and the parakeets game allows us to know the difference, but not the number of hours of rest for each team before the duel).

Leading Granada, Barcelona 11th

The total computation of the four days analyzed offers a negative result for Madrid of 74 hours and a half, which places whites in last place in said statistic, as can be seen in the study carried out by @CarrascoPManu; It is the team that will have less rest in the first five days compared to its rivals. A classification in which Barcelona comes out much better standing: He is 11th, with a total positive balance (11 and a half hours more of rest), two days in which he is affected (in one, very slightly, only in two and a half hours) and two in which he benefits.. And Granada appears as the leader of the classification, with a total of 72 hours more rest than its rivals: in one day it will have no difference with its rival and in another it will have 21 and a half hours less rest, but in exchange for another will have that same time of more refreshment and will arrive at day 32 with no less than 72 hours more margin than Eibar, three full days.

The load of matches in this restart of the domestic championship is evident: Madrid will play its first four games in 11 days and four hours; Barcelona, ​​in 11 days and two hours. The one with the tightest schedule will be Leganés, with four games in 10 days and two hours; and the one that will have the most decongestant first, Levante, with four deals in 15 days and two hours. But it is in the distance between the rest of a team and its rival in each day where the difference may be, a distance in which Madrid, for the moment, will be touched, although there will be another six days that could offset the balance and equalize the situation.