The Real Madrid announced this Wednesday the signing of Lucia Rodriguez, which comes from the Real society, third incorporation of the set of David Aznar for the next season.
22-year-old right back, Lucia Rodriguez, who previously played in the Madrid CFF and the Heel, He had two seasons in the San Sebastian team, in which he has continued to progress and confirm everything he pointed out from the lower categories, indisputable.
He achieved the U-17 World Bronze and the U-20 World Silver with the Spanish selection, apart from continental titles and has been called up for the Sub-23, the last step prior to the absolute. His arrival will reinforce the rear of the white box with his intensity behind and his vocation to join the attack. It has been indisputable for Gonzalo arconada Y Natalia Arroyo.
Lucia Rodriguez, third reinforcement announced after the arrival of the also San Sebastian Nahikari Garcia and the Levantine Claudia ZornozaShe indicated in her networks that “a new challenge is beginning” and that she is “happy and very excited about this new stage. Looking forward to starting the season and fighting for this shield ”.