A setback comes to Espanyol on the eve of their trip to Gijón to face Sporting on Sunday. Raúl de Tomás, second top scorer in the championship, suffers discomfort and is a doubt for the squad list provided by Vicente Moreno. This was witnessed by the technician in the press room, which in this case was not ambiguous, although he left the door open for everything to finally be a scare. “He has some discomfort, but there is tomorrow. He had some problems during the week but we will see how he is. There are other teammates who also stopped training during the week and we always make decisions based on doctors and what the player decides.”
One of those “other players” is Sergi Darder, who already withdrew from the match against Sabadell the previous week with a replacement hamstring. In his case, as Moreno stated, “he is one of those who had to leave some training. We do not hide anything but we do not want to give more information than we have. It's doubt. “ Despite this, the Valencian coach made it clear that “we will trust those who enter.”
With RdT and Darder or without them, Moreno is convinced that “we have to give our best because we play against a great team.” In fact, Sporting has not yet lost at El Molinón, a stadium that they have turned into a fort. The coach does not believe that the game resembles that of Sabadell because “there are never two alike”, but warns of the danger of a team with many virtues. “Sporting is a historic club, it is not necessary to make evaluations. We like that the historical ones are in the First Division. They have not lost at home. The game will be difficult and I hope we will give the best level. We want to be the first to win, it's a motivation. “

Between Wu Lei and Male Aceitón
The meeting has also been surrounded by criticism from Espanyol fans on social networks to the designation of the collegiate Varón Aceitón, from the Balearic school and who already harmed the parakeet team with some decision this year, as responsible for the VAR. Moreno, who lived in Mallorca for three years, has no doubts about his professionalism: “Varón Aceitón is a person I know. She is an exceptional one and she will do the best refereeing with her mistakes and successes. “
Another of the protagonists of the week was the Chinese Wu Lei, who has gone to the background in the team and who made some statements defending his coach despite not participating. Moreno has no doubts that “his head is on the team going up” and attributes his substitution to the time it took to recover after the injury and the good competitiveness of the group.