RC Celta presents its centenary anthem with C. Tangana


RC Celta presented its centenary anthem this Thursday at the Afundación Theater in Vigo, through a massive act headed by the club’s top management, by the entire squad of footballers and above all by the Madrid singer Antón Álvarez, artistically known as C. Tangana, being responsible for the composition and also director of the audiovisual piece that accompanies it.

Similarly, Celta reserved part of the capacity in said theater so that its followers could be present during a historic moment. An area of ​​the seats was dedicated to subscribers and another was for all those fans who participated, on June 4, in the filming of the video clip.

Under the title ‘Oliveira dos cen anos. 1923-2023’, the team from Vigo officially launched the video right at midnight. The Casablanca Choir, the tambourine group As Lagharteiras and the popular Celtic club Tropas de Breogán, as well as the band Keltoi!, have participated in the preparation of the hymn.

The video clip follows a journey that begins and ends on the Island of San Simón, crossing the Ría de Vigo and approaching municipalities such as Moaña, birthplace of the current celestial star Iago Aspas. The percussion of the tambourines marks the rhythm of the song, immediately established as a reference for the stands of the Balaídos Stadium.