The Lugo-Rayo was played, as planned, on Sunday at 8:30 p.m.. Something that a priori should not be news, but it is because the franjirrojo club asked LaLiga to delay the match to Monday. This request was to have more room for maneuver, after knowing the positive in coronavirus of two members of the Rayista staff on Saturday. However, only one of them was real, as the results of a subsequent PCR confirmed the suspicions that the other had been a false positive.
That Saturday the Rayo squad underwent different tests. The first tests yielded a generalized negative from all the players, something that ended up supporting the results of the last PCR. This situation caused the planned displacement for Saturday afternoon to be canceled, postponing until knowing what had come out in the last test. Hence the expedition undertook the trip to Galician lands on Sunday morning, the same day of the meeting.

The Rayo coach, Andoni Iraola, was the one who gave some hints of what happened at his Anxo Carro press conference. “We really had a positive, that he was not a player, but yes It has affected us because we have not been able to train together, or watch video … We have had more than five hours of travel On match day. It was not ideal and that is why we asked LaLiga to play on Monday, which had more matches, but they don't adapt much to this kind of thing. We have played it and that's it, “he said.