Raúl de Tomás, record goals

With their 12 goals, Not only Raúl de Tomás triples the four he achieved last season since it landed in Cornellà-El Prat in January, but is becoming the 'pichich' of the 'pichichis' of Espanyol. No other, no matter how superb his scoring account was at the end of LaLiga, had so many goals like those of Madrid at the end of a calendar year, at Christmas parties. Not even in Second.

Among the most recent examples, Borja Iglesias had eight two seasons ago (ended with 17) Gerard Moreno seven a year before (16 at the end), the same as Sergio García in 2014-15 (14 was his account in all of LaLiga) or that Pablo Daniel Osvaldo in 2009-10, when he finished with 13. Nor did he exceed it Raul tamudo, ‘Top scorer’ parakeet in the entire history of LaLiga, who In his most prolific campaign, 2003-04 with 19 goals, he had only two before Christmas; eight was his record at this point, in 2001-02 (17 at the end). Luis García, in 2007-08, had only scored five of the 13 that he would finally score.

Not even Rafa Marañón, the club's top scorer in the sum of all competitions, surpassed the nine goals before the end of the yearSpecifically, he did it in 1976 and 1979, although logically in the First Division, and with a continuity with the Espanyol shirt that seems complicated in De Tomás. OR Roberto Martínez, with seven in the famous 1972-73 season.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

And in Second? The only one who came close, and very close, to the records of RdT was Gabino Rodríguez, who before New Year's Eve had scored 11 goals in the 1989-90 season. Of course, from now on he was only able to score one more.

Neither Velko Iotov, with seven At this point in the 1993-94 campaign (of the 13 that he would do in the entire course), neither eight by Cayetano Ré in 1969-70 (17 at the end) nor José Paredes, with six of their eight goals before Christmas in 1962-63, they were able to reach the figures of Raúl de Tomás. And he has 23 days left to continue making history.

The 'pichichis' of Espanyol in the XXI century

Season 'Pichichi' parakeet Goals until the end of the year End of season goals
2020-21 Raúl de Tomás 12 ?
2019-20 RdT / Wu Lei / David López 0/1/0 4
2018-19 Borja Iglesias 8 17
2017-18 Gerard Moreno 7 16
2016-17 Gerard Moreno 6 13
2015-16 Felipe Caicedo 5 8
2014-15 Sergio garcia 7 14
2013-14 Sergio garcia 7 12
2012-13 Joan Verdú 5 9
2011-12 Kalu uche 0 6
2010-11 Dani Osvaldo 6 13
2009-10 Dani Osvaldo 0 7
2008-09 Raul tamudo 3 6
2007-08 Luis Garcia 5 13
2006-07 Raul tamudo 7 fifteen
2005-06 Luis García / Raúl Tamudo Four. Five 10
2004-05 Maxi Rodriguez 7 fifteen
2003-04 Raul tamudo 2 19
2002-03 Savo milosevic 4 12
2001-02 Raul tamudo 8 17
2000-01 Raul tamudo 3 eleven