Raquel Bollo’s children go hungry in ‘Survivors’ to settle their mother’s debts: she owes 800,000 euros

raquel bun You are in a very delicate situation. the ex of whip faces serious economic problems and debts of almost 800,000 euros accumulate, specifically 713,716.58 euros adding 487,524 that he has committed to mortgages, 202,413 that the Treasury and Social Security demand, and 23,779 that a former landlord demands from him who would not have paid the rent.

All these numbers are Lectures to its cover this Wednesday. The aforementioned magazine also reveals that a little less than two months ago, Bollo had to resort to lenders to manage the payment of mortgage loans.

Also read: The serious episode that Isa Pantoja lived in Cantora and for which he does not forgive Raquel Bollo

The weekly also points to the restlessness of the Sevillian woman as the reason why her two eldest children, Manuel Cortes y soul bundecided to participate in this edition of survivors. For each week in Honduras, they charge around 4,000 euros, and they have been in the contest for two months now.

Raquel’s family problems also accumulate. As a result of the discussions that her son has with Ashrafthe future son-in-law of Isabel Pantojawithin the survival program, his relationship with chabelita It’s void. In fact, Isa has already said that he won’t invite her to his weddingscheduled for the month of September.