Breaking news: Raphael has made the unexpected decision to cancel his next two concerts as part of the Cueva de Nerja Festival, Málaga, on August 4and that of Roses, Girona, on august 7. The reason? According to the singer himself, a persistent catarrh that has been dragging since last week.
It’s a statement published on his social networks this Wednesday, the mythical artist has shared his grief over these cancellations, after having canceled also last weekend his show at the Tío Pepe Festival in Jerez de la Frontera, in Cádiz, “following the recommendations of the medical team”.

So the author of My big night He has written: “This morning I visited my ENT. After his examination, the diagnosis concluded in an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract caused by the cold that I have been dragging for the last week.”
Furthermore, on the other hand, the husband of Natalia Figueroa He also shared his great desire to recover soon and get back on stage. “I hope to meet all of you from the following concerts that continue on the tour”, Raphael explained to his followers, whom he does not forget at the end of the statement posted on Instagram: “I read you all and I take you on the heart. I love you.”

What will happen on August 10
We all wish that Raphael get well and be strong to tackle your next appointment, the long-awaited concert of the August 10th in Alicante and his participation, two days later, in the SOM Festival, Castellón. Desired next appointments of the singer that are part of his last tour ‘Raphael 6.0’: 60 years on stagewhich will take you to many other points of our geography and even to Santiago de Chile or Mostazal by 2024.