“Ramos is the best defender who has played for Real Madrid”

A little more than 24 hours before the great game against PSG (9:00 p.m., Movistar Champions League), Luka Modric went out to a press conference and took the floor. The Croat was full of praise towards Sergio Ramosdiscarded but who has traveled with the team to contribute his experience, and acknowledged that “of course” he would like to play with Mbappe, to whom he wished a good recovery and that he can be at the Bernabéu. He also commented on Kroos: “If he plays, it will be because he is 100%”.


Photo of Modric

Importance of the Bernabeu: “Very much… We have played many of these games and the public, with their help, is always very important. We need them like the other day with Real Sociedad. They need to push us in difficult moments. Their role will be key”.

His role without Casemiro… And maybe Kroos: “The Casemiro thing is a shame, it means a lot in our game. But we have other players, like Valverde or Camavinga, who can do well. We’ll see if Kroos arrives, I think he can be. I, as usual, still covering more because Casemiro won’t be there, but that’s up to all of us, especially in the defensive phase. Whoever plays will do well”.

Plan to come back: “It depends on the match, each one is different. We have to apply what the coach asks of us, nothing more. Tomorrow the most important thing will be to go out with personality, good energy and aggressiveness”

Possible Mbappé injury: “We haven’t even talked about that issue. We’re focused on ourselves, we don’t want anyone to get injured; we want Kylian to be fine. In these games if you’re not 100%, you don’t play. We’re focused.”

Would you like to play with Mbappé? “You always want to play with great players and he is. Of course I would like to play with him, but today he is a PSG player and we will see what happens in the future. It is difficult to talk about other players who are not here , because other clubs can get angry… But of course we would like to play with him”.

Welcome to Mbappé: “I don’t know, I can’t get into what the public is going to do. I only ask Madrid fans to support us, to the death. What they do on ‘the other side’, I don’t know”

Welcome to Sergio Ramos: “I talk to him almost every day. It will be nice to see him again. The Bernabéu has to receive him with all the affection possible, he is a legend of this club, one of the best defenders in history and for me… I don’t know No one offends, I’m not saying this because I’m his friend, but he’s the best defender who has played for Real Madrid. I’m sure the Bernabéu will give him all their love. It can’t be any other way”.

Play with four midfielders: “That’s a question for the coach! We have to go out with good energy and aggressiveness. Everything that is systems and others are questions for the coach; he knows who is going to play and how.”

Invasion of Ukraine: “It is something very complicated for everyone. I hope it ends as soon as possible, because it does no good to anyone. The leaders of these countries must reach an agreement; war is useless. I have lived through one and it is a great sadness. Something very bad, terrible.”

Play, despite not being 100%: “In these games we all want to play. And to play them, you have to be 100%. It’s something that no one knows better than the player himself. If Kroos plays tomorrow, it will be because he’s 100%. Nobody comes out halfway; if you play, It’s because you’re 100%, then there are no excuses of ‘it was touched…’, no, if you go out it’s because you’re 100% “.

Renewal: “I don’t want to talk about this issue now, there are more important things: tomorrow’s game.”

Which of the two has more pressure tomorrow? “There is a lot on both sides. A lot. They really want to win their first Champions League, because they are making a lot of efforts and despite them, they have not succeeded. And it is normal, because it is very difficult. What happens is that we have won three in a row and people have thought it was easy. But not at all. Tomorrow we will be two teams with a lot of pressure. We are the best club in all of history”.

Evolution of Camavinga: “He played a great game against Real Sociedad. He’s very young, you have to be patient with him, but he has personality, he’s strong and he’s not afraid. We, the veterans, are here to help and advise him. The great game he played is not a coincidence on Saturday; you see him train, improve and you know he has a huge future ahead of him”.

Neymar: “Of course he can be decisive, he is a great player that I have a lot of affection for. I really like that profile of footballers, he is a great danger for us. He comes out of a long-term injury… But he is a top player in the world and in a play can hurt you. We must be focused on ourselves. I’m sure we’re going to do well.”